Things I’ve Never Understood.

There are certain things, common amongst most humans, which I have not shared in and have a hard time understanding. These are things which, in a crowd, one person mentions and everyone else automatically agrees is the WORST EVER or BEST EVER or WHAT EVER, while I simple fidget in my chair because… I don’t agree/haven’t felt that way.

Berserk freak-out panicking over spiders. Of course, I don’t live in an area where spiders grow to be the size of my face, and none of them are man-eating and won’t look down on me from a tree as prey to be pounced upon. If I did, yeah, I’d probably freak out. Around here, the larger common house spiders are about span of a quarter, and barn-spiders can be three or four times that. I honestly still have never freaked out over a spider. In fact, when my younger sister would refuse to enter the barn every summer so I HAD TO DO HER CHORES, or when she would scream and try to climb me like a tree to get away from the spider in the corner of our bedroom, I had very little sympathy for her and would try to convince he she really needed to get over it.

Eating cantaloupe. On purpose.  Ew. Just ew. I will eat it in a fruit salad to be polite, but given the choice, never.

Math. Well obviously, basic math I am fine with. As long as I can have paper for multiplication and division… because, you know that horrible moment when your computer just freezes for no apparent reason, it makes these awful roaring noises and you can’t get ANYTHING to function? That’s what happens to my brain on math. I’m pretty sure if I could process math I would be a brilliant person.

The Zombie Thing. Seriously, people? I’ll admit that I once read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for a giggle, and I did giggle, but I also gagged and got goosebumps and that was the first and hopefully last of my zombie experiences. I don’t get the fascination with undead anything. Rotting corpses… walking around… lookin’ for brains to eat. Yeah. Let’s watch THAT movie. NOT.

Also, Sci-Fi. This one is huge. SO many people love Star Wars dearly. And Star Trek. And now, Dr. Who. There’s a quote from a children’s book, I can’t remember which one, but a father says to his children, and I misquote, “There’s no such thing as aliens. And if there are, I don’t want to know about it.” Exactly. Aliens completely creep me out, and I’ve been known to gag and look away while watching Sci-Fi as a child. This past summer I watched Men in Black for the first time in my life, and it was kinda torture. Parts were hilarious, but I was really glad when it was over. Sci-Fi is just the stuff of nightmares, and I don’t enjoy putting myself intentionally through a nightmare. Other nightmare themes are creepy monkeys (think flying moneys from Wizard of Oz and Planet of the Apes. *shivers* And crazy viscous bears, like on Brave… I seriously could not watch the battle with that huge murderous beast.

And finally, hairless cats. Ew, ew, ew, and whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?????????

30 Day Meme, Day 10: Pets

That’s right, I’m skipping right over 9. It’s another boring one, and I live to break rules, so there you have it.


10. Talk about your pets, or pets you would like to have.

There have been times in my family were the animals vastly out numbered the humans – two mama kitties producing two litters a year gave us 14 cats at one point. I’ve had two parakeets, we’ve had untold numbers of goldfish, tetras, oscars and I don’t know what all in the fish department, sea snails, crabs, as many as three dogs at once, a pygmy goat, 6 rabbits, a few pet chickens and… I think that’s it as far as pets of the past go. We also raised animals for meat, but that’s a different story.

Pet’s that I’ve considered having include guinea hens (I was discouraged by people complaining about the noise they make), peacocks and Highland Cattle. I know they are supposed to be a beef cattle, but HONESTLY. I couldn’t.

Could you?

And now, I introduce you to our three current pets.

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Spring clean-up

This spring I’ve had so many different projects going on at the same time, I often step back and get all overwhelmed and tend to ask myself what was I thinking. To escape despair, I decided to hire a couple of children from my church family to help me get ahead with my yard-work and other outdoorsy things. Yesterday turned out lovely and sunny, if a touch cool still, and we got quite a bit done.



“Valerie, the wagon is full.”

“Well get up there and stomp it down again!”


“You know you are having fun.”



Care-bear is an excellent little garden-cleaner-outer.  As you can see, it needs it badly.



And then finally, the wagon really was to full to load anything more on it, so I had a very willing helper to assist me in cleaning out the frames for my new-to-me bee hives.




And of course, no matter what project you are working on, it always helps to have some of the resident cats lurking around.

